Reminder: Labor Secretary Hilda Solis is a Rabid Communist

By Gary P Jackson

With the latest outrage over the proposed farm bill banning children from working on the family farm, I thought it would be essential for readers to know who the Obama regime’s Labor Secretary is.

First, from Andrew Breitbart’s Big Government we have Solis praising a radical communist as a “role model” and a “living legend“, even as she praises communist dictator [and America’s sworn enemy] Hugo Chavez in front of school children.

President Obama’s Secretary of Labor, Hilda Solis, recently spoke at the naming of the Cesar Chavez Auditorium naming in Washington, D.C. There she praised in glowing terms Dolores Huerta, a socialist co-founder of the United Farm Workers, whom she called “my teacher, my role model, and mi hermana,” a “living legend.” Huerta is also honorary co-chair of the Democratic Socialists of America, and has praised Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez in glowing terms in front of high school students.

Read more here.

From Discover the Networks:

Hilda Solis is the U.S. Secretary of Labor. Prior to being appointed to this post, she was a Democratic Member of Congress who represented California’s 32nd District. Born in 1957 in Los Angeles, Solis is the daughter of a Teamsters Union shop steward from Mexico and an assembly-line worker from Nicaragua. She graduated from California State Polytechnic University in 1979 and earned a master’s degree from the University of Southern California in 1981.

In 1980 Solis was hired by President Jimmy Carter’s administration to work as an intern in the White House Office of Hispanic Affairs. In 1981 she worked briefly as an analyst for the Office of Management and Budget, but she left this post because of her distaste for the policies of the newly elected President, Ronald Reagan.

Thus Solis relocated from Washington, DC to the West coast, where she became Director of the California Student Opportunity and Access Program. In 1985 and again in 1989, she was elected to the Board of Trustees of the Rio Hondo Community College District. In 1991 she became Los Angeles County Insurance Commissioner, a politically appointed position. In 1992 she was elected to the California state legislature; two years later she won a seat in the state senate.

At a 1996 Latino voter-registration-project conference in Los Angeles, Solis stated, to loud applause, “We are all Americans, whether you are legalized or not.

In 2000 Solis ran in the Democratic Primary against incumbent congressman Matthew Martinez, who, according to The Almanac of American Politics, had lost liberal feminist and labor support “by voting for a ban on late-term abortions and fast-track trade authority and helping to stall gun control.” Solis’ candidacy received strong support from such organizations as EMILY’s List, the Sierra Club, and the California League of Conservation Voters. She was further backed by organized labor and by political heavyweights like U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer and Hispanic Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez. Consequently, Solis won the Primary by a wide margin and, in a solidly Democratic district, easily won the general election. She was subsequently reelected by comfortable margins in 2002, 2004, 2006, and 2008.

Throughout Solis’ tenure in Congress, labor unions–most notably the Teamsters Union, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), and the Laborers’ International Union of North America–were responsible for nearly 60 percent of her Political Action Committee (PAC) donations. Another major contributor was the American Association for Justice (formerly known as the Association of Trial Lawyers of America).

Solis became an officer of the Progressive Caucus in the House of Representatives. As a reward for her ideological and political loyalty, fellow Progressive Caucus member and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi gave Solis a seat on the powerful Energy & Commerce Committee and made her the ranking Democrat on its Environment and Hazardous Materials Subcommittee.

In June 2008, Solis sent a caseworker from her East Los Angeles office, Elana Henry, to represent her at a workers’ rights forum organized by Socialist International, which has close ties to the Democratic Socialists of America and bills itself as the worldwide organization of social democratic, socialist and labor parties. On a previous occasion twelve years earlier, Solis had sent another representative (Antonio Aguilar) to serve as a presenter at a major Communist Party USA event.

In 2008 Solis avidly supported Senator Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid. When Clinton’s effort fell short, Democrat presidential nominee Barack Obama aggressively sought Solis’ support in an effort to strengthen his appeal to Hispanic voters.

In December 2008, President-elect Obama announced his intention to nominate Solis for U.S. Secretary of Labor in his forthcoming administration.

For much more, including Solis’ radical, anti-American voting record, click here.

Solis is also a radical on immigration, and favors uncontrolled illegal’s pouring over our border unchecked.

Under the heading Hilda Solis – Vehement Mexican Reconquista, the website American Patrol has documented Solis’ record very well. Click here to learn more about the person in charge of our nation’s labor policy, including the policy toward illegal aliens.

I want to know how someone this radical slipped through the Senate confirmation process. Where were the Republican Senators at when this radical communist came up for confirmation? This menace was confirmed 80 to 17!

To see how your Senator voted, click here.

I would hope readers will remember these votes when these Senators are next up for re-election.

The American people simply do not pay enough attention to the minutia of government. Yes, it’s hard, but when you can no longer trust those you send to Washington to protect America from radicals hellbent on destroying our way of life, we must start paying attention. And we must start NOW.

The Constitution allows the President to appoint a cabinet, with the advice and consent of the Senate.

Over the years we’ve seen the left attack, and even block, solid, reliable nominees. John Bolton, for example. On the other hand, Republicans are all but a rubber stamp for a democrat President. Few seem to realize our nation is being destroyed by policies these radicals are putting in place.

Republicans need to learn how to stand up for America and fight these communist radicals, or the American people are going to create a new party full of men and women who will.

The time to stop the communist menace is now.


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5 responses to “Reminder: Labor Secretary Hilda Solis is a Rabid Communist

  1. Jeanne

    Unbelievable…..wait……….totally believable!!!

    • Gary P Jackson

      Don’t forget, the Senate Republicans also voted to confirm Cass Sunstein, one of the most radical loons in the world. He’s OK with human experimentation, even against the person’s will, but thinks animals should have lawyers and constitutional rights!

      Communists are just plain evil, and some Republicans are clueless.

  2. Randy Bandy

    This Woman and Obama have got to go . Election time is coming up let freedom loving people go to the poles in historic numbers and get rid of all communist they blue or red !

  3. Pingback: Obama Regime Backs Down on Farm Child Labor Law | A Time For Choosing

  4. Just another in a long series of Obama’s radical appointments. He thought we would not find out. Obama was and is wrong for America.

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